Throughout the fall, we have been talking about how we stay spiritually grounded in difficult seasons. When I asked our Honor Deacons (Procter Eubank, Nancy Goodhue, Jim Hawkins, and Reece Little) this question, a common thread quickly emerged among their responses. I was amazed at how each of them immediately recalled ways that our community of faith at Highland had provided the encouragement, comfort, solidarity, love, or courage they needed in difficult times. Whether it was through the death of a loved one, a divorce, a health crisis, or other challenging seasons in our world or in their own lives, they each named specific people and countless ways that Highland was the sacred grounding place they needed to fall back on, and how this community had offered them boundless love and grace upon grace.
It makes sense for us to come together to offer one another a similar grounding place on Wednesday evening, November 6 at 6:15 PM. We may or may not know the results of the election that evening, but either way, we will be carrying the intensity of emotions surrounding this time in the life of our country. It will be good to be together: to pray, to sing the songs of our faith, and to be still and remember that God is God. I hope you’ll join us for this sacred pause in this significant week.
~ Mary Alice Birdwhistell