Your First Visit to Highland

Everything from What to Wear to Parking to Entering to Singing

A fabulous part of Highland’s weekend make-up is that we all wear different styles of clothes. It’s common to see folks in jeans and t-shirts, some in neckties, and others wearing trendy jewelry to complement their sundress. We are comfy, chic, dressy, or casual. The point is not that you look a certain way but that you come as yourself.

We get it, parking is really limited in the Highlands. Around our church building is no different. Some folks get lucky each weekend and find a spot in one of our rear parking lots. Others parallel park on the neighborhood streets. There are handicap spots in the rear upper lot and out front on Cherokee Road. We do our best to be neighborly by avoiding blocking driveways and alleys. Check out the color-coded map further down the page for more details.

Now that you’re dressed and parked and ready to go, finding your way to an entrance or throughout the building can be intimidating. It’s all good; we’ve got you.
You can enter the building by going directly into the sanctuary through the green wooden doors at the corner entrance at Cherokee Road and Grinstead Ave. You may enter the lobby through the glass doors on Cherokee Road, or you may enter through the fellowship hall doors at the rear parking lot entrance.
No matter which entryway you access, there are beloved Highlanders there ready to point you in whichever direction you need to go. You’ll recognize them because they will be wearing a Highland nametag. We also have pretty good signage with arrows that can guide you to the sanctuary, restrooms, and classroom areas.
Read more about the education building and classrooms.

In the sanctuary you’ll see the interior beauty of the stone walls, the reflections of the stained-glass windows, and the gorgeous arched beams overhead. But even more, we hope you’ll experience the joy of our community. It is not a toxic positivity joy, but rather, a deep-seeded, knowing-kind of joy that says even when life is hard, especially when life is hard, you have a place among us. There is a real warmth in our sanctuary.
But let’s be honest, the wooden pews are hard. If you need a cushion to sit on, grab one as you enter along with a bulletin that will guide you through the worship service. Sit wherever you would like and then find a purple welcome folder on the pews so that you can learn a little more about us.
In addition to the handicap parking spaces marked in blue on the map below, handicap accessible entrances are at the front of the building (in-between the sanctuary and the education buildings) and at the rear parking lot entrance. We have a central elevator that will get you to any floor in the building.
Handicap accessible restrooms are located on the first floor. Our gender inclusive restroom on the second floor is also handicap friendly.
There are listening assistant devices available at the sound booth in the rear corner of the sanctuary, and there is an American Sign Language interpreter at the 11:15 a.m. service that sits at the front of the sanctuary, near the organ.

There are no rules for worship at Highland! Isn’t that great? You’ll see that we are a church that loves to sing fully, pray carefully, learn from our young people, breathe deeply, and wonder creatively together. Again, we welcome you.

More Links For More Information

  1. Read our past newsletters or sign up to receive it here. See what we talk about each week and what's going on in the life of our community. It's a great way to see what we're about. 
  2. Watch some of our worship services here. Experience previous livestreamed worship services and join with us in worshipping God.
  3. Contact one of our ministers via this page. Ask them a question about our church or ways to connect to our family.
  4. Come and visit us in person. We worship on Sunday mornings at 8:45 am & 11:15 am, have Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, and worship on Friday nights at 7:00 pm. For a map to our location look here


Connecting at highland

Small groups are a great way to begin forming community at Highland. Whether it's attending a Bible Study class, volunteering for a Ministry Group team, being part of a choir or music group, or joining in for Wednesday night supper, there's bound to be a place for you to plug into the life of the church. And the truth is that we need you as much you need us. Bringing your unique voice and talents makes us better.


Parking in the Highlands area of Louisville can be a challenge, and parking at our church is no exception.

Please refer to this map for the  most convenient places to park when attending services or functions.

HBC Parking Map

1101 Cherokee Road, Louisville, KY 40204 ⯁ (502) 451-3735