We continue saying thank you to Bible study and music teachers who give of their time and energy to nurture Highland’s children on their faith journeys! This week we say a special thank you to those who teach the language of our faith through singing and music-making.
Join us in saying a wholehearted “thank you” in one of the following ways:
making a donation
to our Sacred Space campaign in honor of a past children’s Bible study or music teacher, or in appreciation of one of our current children’s teachers. We’ll have hearts available in the Children’s Commons and the Sanctuary Commons, where you can write a note of gratitude (that we will post on a bulletin board on the 2nd floor) and make your donation. Or go online using this link, choose “Other” and note “Teacher Appreciation - [insert name]” in the “More Information” box available.
writing a card to one of our current children’s teachers, thanking them for the gift of time, creativity, and life journeying they do with our kids.
helping your child create a personal expression of gratitude for their current children's teachers at Highland and deliver it on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night sometime this month!
- bringing fresh cut flowers to the Children’s Commons before the Bible study hour begins, where we will transform them into bouquets of gratitude!

~ Pastor Renee