Discovery Camp Reflections

by Highland Baptist Church on July 24, 2024

If I had to summarize the past three weeks — returning from Sabbatical, joining PassportKids Camp, and experiencing Discovery Camp — I think I would do so with photos…

On the final afternoon of Discovery Camp, the five of us (Eli, Lula Mae, Livia, Megan, Renee) gathered in the main office to debrief the week. We made note of growth we saw in our campers, the precious moments of learning and joy and laughter, as well as the struggles and a few shifts we thought might help the camp rhythm in future years. At some point I realized that I might not see our youth counselors before they left for college this fall, and I asked for a photo to capture this moment.

It was then that Lula Mae spoke up, recalling that she was pretty sure a photo just like this one existed - from 8 years earlier when they attended their first PassportKids after wrapping up 4th grade! Had we inadvertently recreated a childhood photo? Later that night, a photo of a young Eli, Lula Mae, and Livia appeared in our group text thread. My heart swelled as I recalled these now young adults as children and the journey that is life together in community.  

Why do these two photos capture the past three weeks for me, you might wonder? I think because Eli, Lula Mae, and Livia represent the long view of what ministry with children (and their families) is all about. After 17 years of investing in children’s lives, I’ve now had the opportunity to see the youngest ones in our midst grow into adulthood; into their full selves. I couldn’t know at PassportKids all those years ago that these three brilliant young people would be camp counselors for a group of kindergarten-3rd graders learning about the definition of compassion (I see your hurt, I feel your hurt, and I help ease your hurt) and what every living thing needs to thrive (shelter, food, water, air, and community). I only had a trust, as I do with all of Highland’s children, that the investment of time, energy, love, encouragement, support and care as we learn the stories of Jesus, sing the songs of faith, and become the beloved community together matters.

This is one of many truths that became crystal clear as I cared for my mind, body, and spirit over my 12 weeks of Sabbath-keeping and renewal. And my return to work via PassportKids and Discovery Camp only gave me new images and memories to hold alongside this specific truth.

So, enjoy the photos from our Discovery Camp week together. It was hot, wild, and a whole lot of fun!

With deepest gratitude for rest and renewal and great joy
in the return to the rhythms of Highland life, 

~ Renee Purtlebaugh


Many thanks to everyone who volunteered and made this year’s Discovery Camp come to life! We are grateful to Brooke Hasl (poetry), Paul Henderson (music), Livia Mayfield (yoga), and Megan Fuller (art), as well as our three youth counselors, Livia Mayfield, Lula Mae Solley, and Eli Schureck, and Sally Evans who assisted with pre-camp preparation. And a huge thank you to Megan Fuller, who quite literally made camp happen by bringing my ideas to fruition, preparing so much of it while I was on Sabbatical, and keeping everything flowing seamlessly throughout the week!  

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