The Mission and Justice Ministry Group invites you to join us in supporting La Casita Center and Highlands Community Ministries this Christmas season. We are able to do this through both the donations of items they have requested for their communities of care as well as donations of time.
La Casita is collecting household necessity items, rather than toy donations, so that parents have the ability to choose gifts for their own children with the money that would usually be devoted to necessities. These items will go in La Casita December Resource Tuesday bags and are needed by November 25. Please take note that this is earlier than they have requested in previous years. Therefore, we would love to have all items collected at church on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 24, so that we can deliver them to La Casita in time.
Here is the link to sign-up for the items HBC has agreed to collect and donate. They also have this Amazon link where you can order items to be delivered directly to La Casita. If you choose this option, please be sure to still select and claim items that are on our HBC sign-up link above so that we can fulfill our commitment.
The Mission and Justice team is also looking for volunteers to help sort donations after worship on Sunday (November 24) and to transport donations at 9:00 AM on Monday (November 25). If you’re interested in helping, please contact Kathryn Sappington here.
La Casita would also welcome the donation of your time as they prepare for their Family Resource Day. If you would like to volunteer, please use this link to sign up directly with La Casita. There are options to volunteer on Friday, December 6, Monday, December 9, and Tuesday, December 10.
Highlands Community Ministries has requested throw sized blankets and $25 gift cards for Kroger, Target, and Walmart. We will collect these donations during the Hanging of the Green Service on Sunday, December 1.
Thank you for your generosity to our mission partners and our surrounding community this holiday season!