Sunday, December 1 ~ Hope Sunday
First Sunday of Advent Worship Service 11:15 AM
Join us as we begin a new liturgical year and this year’s theme, The Watch of Wondering Love. Advent devotions inspired by the poetry of Mary Oliver will be emailed beginning this Sunday.
Hanging of the Green at 6:00 PM
We will gather to adorn the sanctuary for the season. You are invited to bring donations for Highlands Community Ministries (throw-size blankets and $25 gift cards to Kroger, Walmart, and Target) or final La Casita donations. The service will be followed by a church-wide holiday reception in Fellowship Hall. Contact Marilyn Whisler at 502-262-2760 if you can bring finger foods for the reception. Childcare provided for infants, toddlers, and 2s.
Monday, December 2
Sorting Soiree for Families with Children and Youth and Young Adults at 6:00 PM at La Casita. All ages are invited to join. Contact Justin or Renee to RSVP.

Wednesday, December 4
On our last Wednesday night of regularly scheduled activities for the year, join Mary Alice and John Dickson for a dramatic reading of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, shortly after 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Sunday, December 8 ~ Peace Sunday
Second Sunday of Advent Worship Services with Crosses on the Lawn at 11:15 AM
Peace Sunday is our time to remember those who have been killed in our city by acts of violence. We will read each name and place crosses on the front lawn as an act of remembrance and a call to action in our community.
Children’s Advent Service at 6:00 PM
Children’s voices and the ringing of bells are a highlight of the season! Join us for an evening of music from Highland’s Carol Choir, Chorister Choir, and Children & Youth Handbell Choir—ages 3 through youth. Childcare provided for infants, toddlers, and 2s.
Wednesday, December 11
Families with Children are invited to gather for an outdoor hot chocolate bar and to enjoy the Christmas lights at Brown Park from 5:45-7:00 PM.
Sunday, December 15 ~ Joy Sunday
Third Sunday of Advent Worship Service at 11:15 AM
Join us for a morning of music and celebration with the Sanctuary Choir and Brass presenting Rutter’s Gloria at 11:15 AM, with special music from the Brass of Highland’s Orchestra.
Orchestra Christmas Concert at 6:00 PM
This delightful concert featuring fun and festive music includes special solos, duets, and Highland’s Handbell Choir. Childcare provided for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Wednesday, December 18
Longest Night Service at 6:00 PM
Christmas is often characterized as the most wonderful time of the year, but it is often anything but this, especially for those who are grieving at the holidays. Whether you are reflecting on the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, a life transition - all are welcome to this quiet and reflective worship service one the longest nights of the year. Childcare available by reservation only for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Fridays, December 20 and 27
Join us as we sing the carols of Christmas at Friday Church at 7:00 PM! We will end the service on the 20th with candlelight.
Sunday, December 22 ~ Love Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service at 11:15 AM
Justin Sizemore is our proclaimer.
Tuesday, December 24 ~ Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 and 6:00 PM
We will gather to sing the carols of Christmas in a more casual and family-friendly service at 4:00 PM. Lessons and Carols tells the Christmas story through scripture, carols, and music by the Sanctuary Choir at 6:00 PM. Both services end with candlelight to mark the joy of Christ’s birth! Childcare provided for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Sunday, December 29
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00 AM - no Bible study classes that morning