A Word About Highland's Elevator

by Highland Baptist Church on March 07, 2024

I'm sorry to report that the elevator at Highland Baptist is out of commission as of March 8 and cannot be repaired until next week. Getting the word to those of you who rely on the elevator for your Friday Church or Sunday Worship movement through the building is crucial, so please help spread the word to folks you know who depend on the elevator. 
Here are three options for you to consider if you make use of the elevator in moving around our building:
  1. If you're only coming to Friday Church or Sunday Worship, consider having someone drop you off on the Cherokee Road (Office side) of the church. That way you can enter the building via the glass lobby doors using the ramp leading to them.
  2. If you're coming to both Bible Study and Worship on Sunday, you may enter the building via the ramp in Fellowship Hall, then you'll need to travel around outside of the building to the glass lobby doors for Worship.
  3. Consider watching the services online. Friday church is available on our Facebook page, and Sunday worship is available on Facebook and YouTube:
    1. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/hbclouisville.org 
    2. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/@highlandbaptist 
I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope that you'll find a way to stay engaged with us this weekend.
~Walter McWhorter, Church Administrator

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