Youth Winter Retreat

by Highland Baptist Church on February 27, 2024

Our “Reset” Youth Winter Retreat was this past weekend and y’all, it was amazing! We had 25 amazing youth and six brave adults who traveled over to Camp Loucon in Western Kentucky for the weekend.

Throughout the weekend, we explored different themes related to what it means to follow Jesus. Our first session together we talked about “Pressing Start.” We explored the call of the disciples and how Jesus invited those first followers to “press start” and follow him. Likewise, in our own journeys of faith, Christ is calling each of us to “press start” and follow as well.

We also explored what happens when following Christ gets difficult. What happens when we “Get Stuck?” What do we do when life gets hard? When there are big questions that we don’t have answers for? When we see people proclaiming to be followers of Jesus but do things that harm and destroy others? We spent some time sitting in that tension, asking questions, and wondering what we are supposed to do when we feel overwhelmed.

Every journey needs a break and a time for rest. We explored what it means to hit “Reset” and find times to rest and grow in our faith, so that we can do the work and be the people Christ has called us to be.

And before we left Loucon, we shared communion together. We encouraged each other to keep “pressing start,” so that we can do justice, love kindness, and do so humbly together. We encouraged each other to be honest when we feel “stuck.” We encouraged each other to hit “reset” when we need moments of rest. It was a beautiful and holy weekend. 

Thanks especially to our amazing chaperones: Kim Clark-Endicott, Tara Davis, John Gulden, Tyler Swim, and Abbi Wolfe.

~ Justin Sizemore

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